Introducing our needle felting kit


Welcome to the Cosy Craft Club's needle felting month! We really want to encourage you to have a go at needle felting yourself, and we'll be sharing the key things you need to know to get started. You can find all our needle felting posts in one place here.

Here at Cosy Craft Club we send our subscribers a kit with everything they need to try a different craft each month. This month, it's a needle felting kit!

Our needle felting kit was created by The Makerss. I think you might be able to tell what you can make with the kit from looking at the outside…

Cosy Craft Club needle felting kit

And this is what you see when you lift the lid - look at all that lovely, squishy wool! There really is a lot packed into that box.

Cosy Craft Club needle felting box open

This is what it all looks like when you take it out! (You can also see our unboxing video here) As you can see, you get 4 different colours of wool, 3 felting needles, a foam pad for felting onto, pipe cleaners for the armature and 2 pairs of eyes.

Cosy Craft Club needle felting kit contents

As you may have noticed from the box, this kit makes not one, but two, 3D poseable needle felted figures - a fox and a badger. The pipe cleaners are used as wire armatures around which the wool is felted in place and these can then be bent to change the position of your animal’s body.

Cosy Craft Club - needle felting with our kit

The instructions are really detailed (the badger’s has 21 steps!) and take you through the needle felting process step by step. The result of this guided approach is that even a total beginner can produce something resembling a real animal. This is my effort - Mr Badger!


This is my very first 3D needle felt, so as you can see the kit is suitable for a total beginner! If I can do it, then you can too. Plus, all that stabbing was really fun!

If you’d love to give needle felting a try, you can buy our kit here.

Rachel x