Meet the Maker: Ruth from The Make Arcade


Welcome to the Cosy Craft Club's felt craft month! We really want to encourage you to have a go at felt craft and we'll be sharing the key things you need to know to get started. You can find all our felt craft posts in one place here.

We love to meet the makers behind our kits, so today we are getting to know Ruth from The Make Arcade who created our lovely felt decorations kit!

Please can you introduce yourself?

My Name is Ruth and I am 38 and live in Salisbury in the South West with my husband and two little boys! 

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How did you get into felt craft?

I have always been a crafter and felt was the perfect craft to do with two small children running around.

What do you enjoy about it?

I love the tactile nature of felt, the fact that it doesn't fray and the wealth of colours that you can get it in. If you get nice quality stuff the colours are so vibrant! 

What are you working on at the moment?

Obviously Christmas is taking over at the moment but we are making a topper for our tree [Editor’s note: this interview took place in December!]. The boys will have the idea and I'll make it for them! 

What is your favourite thing that you have made?

I was commissioned to make some faux taxidermy for a magazine - Frida the Flamingo was a great make!

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What kind of things can you use felt craft for?

I use it for a lot of decorative items - especially homewares and wearable accessories. I am quite into making badges etc.

Where do you like to go for inspiration?

Instagram, Pinterest and vintage stores. I love a rummage in our local junk shop!


Where can you get felt crafting supplies from?

I can recommend Paper and String and Cloud Craft - both have amazing selections!

What are your top tips for someone who is starting to craft with felt?

Invest in two pairs of scissors - both really sharp! Little ones for details and some larger ones for cutting through more layers. 

If someone tried making your felt decorations and quite enjoyed it, what would you recommend as the next steps for them?
Definitely hone your skills buy investing in some materials and recreating the same decorations in other colourways. If you size up the patterns you can make larger ones or create 2D designs on banners, cushions and clothing - the possibilities are endless!

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What other crafts do you like to do?

I love cross stitching and embroidery for relaxing with, and I’m keen to try out polymer clay and punch needle in 2020!

Get to know Ruth more by visiting her website, or checking her out on Instagram and Facebook

All photos courtesy of The Make Arcade